Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sticky Buns at the Movies: A Film Review

Hey fellas, wondering why all of the clubs and pubs were lacking ladies this weekend? Well it's because the entire female population of D.C. went to see the film 27 Dresses. The movie was OK, there are pretty people to look at (all who have jobs waaaay better than yours), a couple of funny lines, and as my mother always likes to say, some lovely scenes of New York. I have decided to share some highlights of the movie, so you yourself do not have to actually go see it.

- Ed Burns...That gent is easy on the eyes.

- When they finally stopped playing "Crocodile Rock."

- The fact that in the bathroom at the movie theater, new hand dryers have been installed that are so powerful, they sound as though a jet is taking off, in addition to making the skin on your hands warp from the high speed of the hot air being ejected from the nozzle.

- The awesome new lip balm I kept reapplying throughout the film. It tastes just like oranges!

Oh wait, the last two comments were not actually about the movie, I just wanted to share some of the fun things I experienced that evening.

So in conclusion, what did I like better, the film or the pile of vomit I found awaiting my pals and I on the metro? Hmmm... I'll have to think about it...

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