Friday, January 4, 2008

Adventures at the Public Library

On the afternoon of one particularly steamy summer Sunday, a friend and I decided to venture downtown to the cool air conditioned glass and steel fortress that is the MLK Library. I had a pile of books to return, so off we went, my bag filled with such classics such as ABC: True Tales of the Alphabet and The Princess Diaries: Princess in Love. As a habit, I always leaf through any books I return to ensure the removal of book marks, stray slips of paper, or what have you. Just as I was placing the books on the counter, a prophylactic lept from between the pages and on to the floor. My purse was swimming with them* and unbeknowst to me, one had slipped its way between the pages of my book. I grabbed it as nonchalantly as possible, though beet red, the librarian staring me down through the bifocals balancing on the edge of her nose. I am just thankful that the next reader of the Princess Diaries was not corrupted by the possible surprise ending that had been lurking near the final chapters.

*The night before I went to the library to return my books, I had attended a bachlorett party. The result was that I had about 30 comdoms in my bag. Just to clarify.....

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