Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Lazy Monday

Monday was my day off from work and naturally, I spent the afternoon playing classic 1980's sleepover games with a friend of mine. After arguing about what to play first, be it Mall Madness, Dateline Girl Talk (very different from Dateline: Predator), Dream Phone, etc, we decided on Hearthrob, my personal favorite.

The object of the game is to decide correctly which fellow the other girls would choose as their date, initially based on looks (photos are included) and then later on personality traits (printed on handy playing cards) that are attributed to the three guys being fought over. The pictures say it all. Spandex, big hair and sultry cold war era smiles abound. My personal favorites are Woody, Skip, and Rex. Unfortunately, these men quickly lose their appeal when you learn about their not so sparkling personalities. At first, many of them seem fine. One of the boys may be editor of the school paper, or nicknamed "Einstein" by his classmates for his brilliant mind. However, the tide quickly turns when you learn that Rex for instance, likes to "pass inappropriate notes in Algebra class." Or that Woody, would like to "own a hog farm when he grows up." And that Skip wants to marry his half sister Lorna.

This game is clearly sending a message to an entire generation of girls that a man who "eats bugs to gross out girls" is the best we can hope for. Oh and another thing Milton Bradley... all the boys in the game are white. Anyway, it was a fun way to pass a chilly and gray afternoon.

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