Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ode to Green Bean Casserole*

Green bean casserole
How I love you so

Just add some French’s Onions
And it’s ready to go

One can of mushroom soup
Only Campbell’s will do

Green bean casserole, such a tasty treat
I want to marry you

And have your green bean babies
Inside that casserole dish

I had you once on Thursday
And enjoyed the leftovers since

I look forward to you every fall
Awaiting our annual tryst

Oh green bean, green bean casserole
Nothing can compare

Well, except for maybe the pumpkin pie
Not that I would dare

I will always be true to you
Green bean casserole

This is now the end of my ode
For I have bared my greenbean soul

*No green beans were harmed in the making of this poem.

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