Friday, August 15, 2008

The Red (White and Blue too) Olympics...

Please, somebody help me... I have Olympic Fever. Every night until one in the morning I am fixated by sport… swimming, gymnastics, and yes, even trampoline (they may be getting rid of baseball in the next summer games, but damn it, we have trampoline).

Now, all of us have heard about the controversy surrounding the Chinese “women’s” gymnastics team. Though cheating on the world stage is a brazen move, I do feel that turning girl babies into gymnasts prematurely is probably a better alternative than sending them down the Yangtze…On another note, why is it that the women’s volleyball team wears bikinis and the men’s team outfits itself in shorts and tee’s? Is that really a sign of equity among the sexes? Of course, the male gymnasts do wear little tiny spandex leggings so I guess all’s fair.... Oh and that Michael Phelps. Have you heard of him? Yes, thank you Bob Costas, we know he’s awesome and that he consumes 10,000 calories a day, but must you refer to him as Dolphin Boy?


Oh, and if you see either of these girls, please alert the cute police, because appparently one is not (for those just tuning in, the accused is the girl on the right, according to the Chinese state media).


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one addicted to the Olympics! I love everything. I even watched a handball game, some badminton, and table tennis. The trampoline is awesome!

As far as clothing goes, I'm happy to see any hot body in skimpy spandex. Dara Torres is the one whose body I can't believe. I'm tired of hearing that she's 41, but, man she's ripped!

Don't even get me started on the lip synching girl. They're both adorable! Can you imagine being the "ugly girl"?

Marie said...

I just learned this today: there is a real, actual sport called - are you ready for it? - musical freestyle dressage. I kid you not. You can find youtube videos of this ridiculous thing. I don't know if it's an olympic sport because i have never in my life watched a single equestrian olympic event, but this is just beyond bizarre. You must go look this up.