Friday, April 25, 2008

Sunny D

A close friend of mine, a newlywed, recently moved to the fine city of Miami, Florida with her graduate student husband. Now this friend is a warm, down to earth girl with the utmost of Midwestern sensibilities, so as you can imagine, Miami does not exactly feel like home. The people are rude (except for the old folks) and everything is chic, hip, expensive, and trendy. It is a city lacking in mashed potatoes, stonewashed jeans and great lakes.

I was talking to this friend on the phone, trying to console her and pull her out of her unhappy state. She dislikes where she lives, her job is awful and she has not made any age appropriate friends (though Mr. and Mrs. Goldfarb upstairs are just dolls). In an attempt to console her, I point out that at least she is getting plenty of Vitamin D living in Miami, a vitamin essential for calcium absorption. I expect this to cheer her up, after all few Americans meet the recommended daily dosage of D, but all I got was silence on the other end.

I guess when you are feeling miserable, the intricacies of vitamin absorption are not enough to cheer you up...

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