Friday, December 21, 2012

Litter (Glitter) Bug

Last summer I attended a wedding at a castle. I know what you’re thinking, William and Kate’s of course! No unfortunately that invitation must have been lost in the mail. This wedding was for my dear friends Michael and Sam in Gloustaaaaa, Massachusetts. The castle was stone, full of fountains, shallow whimsical pools, flags, and many sharp objects that seemed to encourage beheadings.  Few frocks are appropriate for such settings, so I wisely chose my pinkest, sparkliest, and poofiest number. I twirled the night away till midnight when my chariot and driver (my sister in her Zip Car) came to fetch me. I stuffed myself, poofy gown and all, into the car and after a brief stop in Boston, was on my way back to my (then) home in New York City.

The next day my sister received a message from Zip Car, asking her to call back right away. She did and learned she was being assessed a fine for “leaving the car unclean” after her use. My sister, rightly so, protested, saying she left nothing in the car and only used it to pick up her sister. The operator then explained that the next user reported a “large amount of glitter” in the passenger seat. My sister laughed so hard she spat, explained my dress situation, and the fine was removed, though a stern warning was delivered to her via email to ensure she examined future vehicles for glitter remnants when exiting.

I think whoever complained about the glitter need a little more sparkle in their life.